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1971年第三次印巴战争前前夕,双方局势剑拔弩张,一触即发。这时一位和巴基斯坦军方接触密切,实则为印度间谍的克什米尔商人发现自己患有肺癌,已经时日无多,他做出了一个艰难的决定——让自己风华正茂的女儿萨玛特(阿莉雅·布哈特饰)远嫁敌国,替自己完成未竞的任务。于是,萨玛特停止学业,经过短暂的训练后,成为了巴军一位中将的幼子伊克巴尔(维基·考萨尔饰)的新婚妻子,成为了一名背负重要使命的印度间谍。 时间越发紧迫,面对着全新的环境,面对着既友善又警惕的家人,萨玛特必须要争分夺秒,获得战争绝密情报。然而,残酷的战争本质仍然远远超过萨玛特的预期…… 花絮: ·本片改编自Harinder Sikka的小说《呼叫萨玛特》。 ·本片目前的印度票房成绩为第五,第一至四分别为Sanju,Padmaavat(帕德玛瓦蒂王后),Race 3,Baaghi 2(反叛者2)。
故事发生在十八世纪早期的英格兰,安妮(奥莉薇娅·柯尔曼 Olivia Colman 饰)是大不列颠王国的女王,她和自己的青梅竹马莎拉公爵夫人(蕾切尔·薇兹 Rachel Weisz 饰)一直保持着秘密的情人关系。阿比盖尔(艾玛·斯通 Emma Stone 饰)是莎拉的远方亲戚,一直渴望融入以皇室为代表的上流社会,她来到了莎拉身边,想要谋得一份职务,哪知道莎拉对她十分冷淡。 凭借着自己的聪慧和计谋,阿比盖尔吸引了安妮女王的注意,得以在她的身边侍奉。很快,阿比盖尔便得知了安妮女王和莎拉之间的“小秘密”,对权谋充满了欲望的阿比盖尔开始希望自己能够取代莎拉的位置,得到女王的宠幸。
迈克(保罗·吉亚玛提 Paul Giamatti 饰)是一名小镇律师,在帮一位老年痴呆症老头里奥(波特·杨 Burt Young 饰)打监护权官司时,阴差阳错自己成了里奥的监护人。光照顾老头还不够,里奥的外孙凯尔(阿历克斯·夏夫尔 Alex Shaffer 饰)又不期而 至,他因为和吸毒的母亲不和来投靠外公,迈克一家只好收留他,并安排他到附近高中念书。迈克同时还兼任该所高中摔跤队教练,很快发现凯尔是个很有天赋的摔跤手。局面似乎很“双赢”,里奥和凯尔得到生活上的照顾,迈克的队伍里多了个主力,每个月还有1500元监护收入补贴家用。 但平衡因为凯尔母亲辛迪(梅兰妮·林斯基 Melanie Lynskey 饰)到来而打破,她想夺回里奥的监护权,母亲来了,凯尔也没理由再和迈克一家生活在一起,但只有凯尔明白,他母亲对他和祖父丝毫没有关爱,一切目的只是祖父的钱…
本片创造了一个虚构的混战时代,背景是19世纪的中国。在北方有一个势力强大的狮子帮,朝廷想用黄金收买他们,而此时帮派内讧了,老大金狮(陈观泰 饰)被老二银狮(文峰 Byron Mann 饰)和老三铜狮(黎烈弓 Cung Le 饰)杀害,金狮的儿子曾义(尹成植 Rick Yune 饰)决心要为父报仇。远在偏僻小镇的铁匠(RZA 饰)一心想存够钱跟心爱的青楼姑娘丝丝(杰米·钟 Jamie Chung 饰)远走高飞,却因为有一手好手艺被迫卷入了事件,而此时镇上来了个来路不明的高手杰克刀(罗素·克劳 Russell Crowe 饰),朝廷派来的双子男女杀手(连凯 饰)和(黄芝琪 Grace Huang 饰)也来到镇上,随后狮子帮的打手“黄铜阀体”(戴夫·巴蒂斯塔 Dave Batista 饰),朝廷特派官员(吴彦祖 饰)和青楼老鸨花夫人(刘玉玲 饰)也陆续加入了战斗,小镇陷入了一场空前的血雨腥风。 导演编剧加主演RZA表示拍摄本片的初衷是为了向邵氏电影致敬。
Four young men leave boyhood behind and shed more than just their clothes and inhibitions in Writer/Director Daniel Armando’s new film. Shy Manuel and gay, adult video star Max travel to New York City for a video shoot. Manuel's older brother, Jorge, dances away the emotional toll of an abusive relationship while Fabian, a young Puerto Rican hiding his homosexuality, navigates the world of a first-time father. When the worlds of these four men collide, they explore the depths of their sexuality and find their lives changed forever.
On an ocean voyage, a librarian falls for a married man. After librarian Lulu Smith is accused by her patrons of having Spring fever, she spends her life savings on a cruise to Havana, during which she begins a romance with Bob Grover, a lawyer with political ambitions. After their return, Lulu becomes a clerical assistant for a newspaper, where she is pursued by brash reporter Al Holland. One night, several months into their affair, Bob comes to Lulu's apartment for dinner, bringing two Halloween masks with which they have a marvelous time playing. Their merriment is interrupted by a call from Al, whose proposal to Lulu prompts Bob to confess that he has an invalid wife whom he cannot leave. Lulu protests that she wishes to continue their affair, but Bob refuses to let her waste her life on him. They squabble, and Lulu throws him out without telling him she is pregnant. Time passes and Bob becomes district attorney, while Al becomes city editor of the newspaper. After Bob hires a detective, Marty, to find Lulu, the couple are reunited and Lulu introduces Bob to his daughter Roberta. Later, Lulu and Roberta are waiting to meet Bob, when Al suddenly appears. He is questioning her about Roberta when Bob arrives, and, in order to protect Bob's reputation, Lulu tells Al that the baby is Bob's adopted daughter and that she is her governess. In order to preserve the charade, Bob does adopt Roberta, taking her home the next day to present to his wife Helen, who is returning from a European rest cure. Helen is delighted with the child but questions Lulu's ability to care for her. Lulu runs out of the house, and when Bob follows her, she tries to tell him she is through with him but cannot. Soon after, Lulu goes to Al for a job and becomes the "advice to the lovelorn" columnist for his paper. Al pumps her for information about Bob and Roberta in order to write a story causing Bob's downfall, but Lulu refuses to say anything. As the years pass, Lulu still works for the paper, and Al, now the managing editor, is still pursuing her. Bob has been both a mayor and a congressman, but on the night he wins the nomination for governor, he becomes disheartened, ashamed of the hypocrisy of his double life. Lulu tries to talk him out of confessing the truth and ruining his career, but when it seems that she cannot succeed, she asks Al to marry her, hoping that will make Bob forget about her. On the night of Bob's election, however, Al tells her that he knows all about her, Bob and Roberta, and Lulu kills him to prevent him from publishing the story. A year later, Bob is on his deathbed, and Lulu, whom he had pardoned after a short jail term, comes to visit him. He shows her his new will, which tells the truth and leaves her half of his estate, but after he dies, she tears it up to protect him and Roberta, who is engaged to a socially prominent young man.
本(詹姆斯·斯图尔特 James Stewart 饰)和乔(桃丽丝·戴 Doris Day 饰)是一对感情十分要好的夫妻,带着儿子汉克(Christopher Olsen 饰),一家三口来到了风景如画的摩洛哥度假。一次偶然中,本和乔结识了名叫路易斯(丹尼尔·盖林 Daniel Gélin 饰)的男人,他们在一起相处十分融洽。 不幸的事情发生了,路易斯被凶手刺杀身亡,临死前,他透露了一个神秘的名字——“安伯斯·查培”,并且告诉本和乔,有人正在伦敦执行一项秘密的暗杀行动,在得知了这个惊天秘密后,本和乔来到了伦敦。暗杀者自知行动泄露,为了取得最后的成功,他们不择手段绑架了汉克,可即便如此,也没能动摇本和乔声张正义的决心。
迈克尔(Kenneth Nelson 饰)、唐纳德(Frederick Combs 饰)和哈罗德(李奥纳多·福瑞 Leonard Frey 饰)是相处多年的好友,彼此之间友谊十分坚实。哈罗德的生日就快要到了,好友们一拍即合,决定替哈罗德举办一个盛大非凡的生日派对。 某日 ,迈克尔曾经的同学阿兰(皮特·怀特 Peter White 饰)来电,说自己很想念迈克尔,想见一见他,但是显然,阿兰并不是受到欢迎的那一个。在派对上,迈克尔提议玩一个电话游戏,即每人给自己最爱的人打一个电话,可是,令众人都没有想到的是,这个游戏让每个人心中不可告人的秘密浮出水面,给他们之间的友谊带来了毁灭性的打击。
一次偶然中,洗衣工穆拉(Prateik Babbar 饰)结识了名叫夏(Monica Dogra 饰)的女子,在得知了夏是一位摄影爱好者之后,一心想成为一名电影演员的穆拉请求夏为自己拍摄写真,作为交换,他将带领夏领略孟买的景致与美好,随着时间的推移,穆拉对善良的夏产生了别样的感情。 在夏的心中,已经分道扬镳的画家艾伦(阿米尔·汗 Aamir Khan 饰)占据着重要的位置。在一间租来的公寓中,艾伦偶然发现了奇怪的录像带,录像带中出现了名为尤思敏(Kriti Malhotra 饰)的美丽女子。偌大的城市之中,三个心怀寂寞之情的人,即将通过这些录像带,逐渐解开心中纠葛,而录像带中的女子,如今又身在何方?
叱咤马术界的神话级骑手承浩(车太贤 Tae-hyun Cha 饰)曾创下了连赢300场比赛的神话,光环和荣誉围绕的他拥有着光明的未来。然而一次意外的车祸夺去了他心爱妻子的生命,虽然存活下来的他却失去了对生活和骑术的信心,眼睛的视力也渐渐衰退,让他不得不放弃了马术生涯。生活总会发生转折,和女儿艺胜相依为命穷困潦倒的承浩在马场遇上了一匹因为车祸失去幼子并且瘸腿的赛马露娜,相似的经历让承浩重新振作了起来,极力的阻挠下了人们对露娜的捕杀,努力驯服并且着手练习准备比赛。人们对于一个败落的骑手和一匹瘸马取得比赛胜利持有的不屑态度,期间技术上练习的重重困难,都没有打到这一人一马,决心东山再起的承浩更是为了女儿决定放手一搏,全力以赴… 该片改编自纪录电影《Champ》里一匹叫做露娜的跛脚马和它主人的真实的励志故事。
Drea Cooper
Digital Media: New Learners of the 21st Century takes viewers to the frontlines of what is rapidly becoming an education revolution. The film, targeted at parents, teachers, and anyone concerned about education in America, explores how exceptional educators are increasingly using digital media and interactive practices to ignite their students' curiosity and ingenuity, help them become civically engaged, allow them to collaborate with peers worldwide, and empower them to direct their own learning.
Kundan Shah
苏尼(沙鲁克·汗 Shah Rukh Khan 饰)出生在一个典型的中产阶级家庭之中,他的父亲威亚克(Anjaan Srivastav 饰)在儿子的身上给予了很大的期望,然而,苏尼的志向却并不在读书挣钱,从小就喜欢音乐的他渴望成为一名歌手,并且真的加入了一支乐队之中,开始了他的逐梦之旅。 苏尼喜欢一个名叫安娜(苏奇拉·克里希那穆提 Suchitra Krishnamoorthi 饰)的女孩,遗憾的是,苏尼并不是安娜的菜,安娜早已经心有所属,爱上了苏尼的朋友克里斯(迪帕克·提卓瑞 Deepak Tijori 饰),可即便如此,苏尼也没有放弃过对安娜的追求,甚至为此闹出了不少的笑话。
Aki and Naoko are childhood friends who are drifting apart as adults. Immersed in her family life, Naoko now has a husband and daughter; Aki, on the other hand, remains single and is on leave from work due to a personal crisis. The plot might sound familiar but it has never been told like this. The director Kusano Natsuka stages the interactions through an actors’ table-read and, as the lines are repeated, the scenes gradually develop into on-location conversations. Moreover, she repositions the dramatic peak of the story to the beginning: Aki has murdered Naoko’s daughter. Structurally inventive, Kusano's daring cinema implements ‘distantiation’ effects to get to the heart of friendship issues at times when life has settled. While the repetitions convey the suffocation of role patterns in both friendship and family, a line left out or added in unsettles and reminds us life can take unexpected turns.
一群东南亚偷渡客历经艰险来到韩国,但是整个集装箱内的偷渡客几乎全部死亡,只有一人拖着羸弱的身体侥幸逃入闹市之中。殊不知此人身上携带致命猪流感病毒,短短一天时间,病毒迅速蔓延城市的各个角落。许多人在不知不觉间被感染,进而将死亡的阴影引向周围所有的人。美丽的女医生金仁海(秀爱 饰)是一位单身妈妈,她不久前遭遇一场车祸,幸被消防队救援人员姜智久(张赫 饰)救出,却因丢失重要论文资料而备受上司苛责。值此期间,韩国蛇头的弟弟因流感送入仁海的医院治疗,经诊断终于发现流感的起因,死尸横陈的集装箱无疑成为查找病源的关键。 未过多久,猪流感病毒成几何式爆发蔓延,坐享太平的民众面临前所未有的灾难……
Every weekend the gay male choir G-Voice rehearses in Seoul – as they have been doing since 2003. The choir, being a kind of antidote to homophobic Korean society, makes the everyday lives of gay men its theme in an intelligent and humorous way. For their tenth anniversary, the members are planning to give their first big concert with ambitious arrangements, creative choreographies and many new pieces. This really puts these amateur singers to the test because the enthusiasm of some members outweighs their vocal abilities, whilst others work themselves into the ground as voluntary organisers. Besides preparing for their big day, G-Voice are also politically active, singing for equality and serenading against discrimination, and not just at LGBTQ demos. Director Lee Dong-ha succeeds, almost incidentally, in giving an insight into gay life in Korea. He also accompanies choir members and organisers after the rehearsals, when conversations become more personal over a meal. Filmed in the style of glossy music videos, G-Voices’ set-pieces provide a commentary, among other things, on the men’s experiences of Korean society, their conservative families and a gay joy of life. berlinale 2016
一日, 大學生向欣榮在街上碰上少女狄丹雲, 衣服無意間沾上丹雲身上的血漬, 結果遭警方誤認為殺人犯, 被囚候審. 幸而審訊之日, 丹雲到法庭自首, 供出被惡霸迫娼而自衞誤殺的苦衷, 欣榮遂得清白. 一年後, 欣榮與丹雲重遇, 得知丹雲的舅父欠下巨債, 因而被迫下嫁跛子為妾. 欣榮挺身而出, 替丹雲還債. 此時欣榮的祖母病逝, 任職的公司又告倒閉, 他便將祖業變賣, 開闢農場. 丹雲在倫老闆的工廠當女工, 倫老闆垂涎丹雲的美色, 設計破壞她與欣榮的感情. 欣榮誤會丹雲貪慕虛榮, 與她疏遠; 富家女許燕兒乘虛而入, 旋即與欣榮訂下婚約. 可是, 燕兒天性貪玩, 不滿欣榮終日埋首打理農場, 後來跟他解除婚約. 一場颱風過後, 欣榮的農場盡毀, 產業蕩然無存, 被迫流浪四方, 更染上急性盲腸炎. 他復返城中, 往見丹雲, 丹雲不惜賣血替欣榮籌措醫藥費. 欣榮深悔當日辜負伊人, 決意與丹雲回鄉重建新生
Craig Mazin执笔﹑Johan Renck执导的HBO/Sky合拍5集迷你剧《切尔诺贝利 Chernobyl》顾名思义就是那宗闻名的人为灾难事件,背景在1986年的乌克兰,剧中将会描述当时究竟发生了甚么引致这事故,而且当年勇敢的众人是如何牺牲自己拯救处于灾难中的欧洲。 Stellan Skarsgård饰演苏联部长会议副主席﹑苏联能源局领导Boris Shcherbina,他在事故发生数小时后被指派领导政府委员会,但当时政府还没意识到反应堆已经爆炸;作为这史无前例人为灾难的高级应对官员,他发现自己身陷政治体系问题,以及得面对这场核灾难不停攀升的伤亡人数。 Emily Watson饰演苏联核物理学家Ulana Khomyuk,她致力调查切尔诺贝利的真相,好使未来不会再发生同类事件。但调查期间令她与想埋葬可怕秘密的人造成冲突,为了真相她得冒着失去自由,甚至生命的危险。Jared Harris饰演苏联科学家Valery Legasov,被克里姆林宫指派调查该事故。